Farewell to Rani: St. Louis Zoo Mourns Loss of Beloved Asian Elephant

After a suspected heart attack following an incident involving a loose dog in the herd’s enclosure, the heartbreaking event unfolded when the elephant herd was startled by the dog’s presence, leading to Rani’s collapse despite efforts from the zoo’s dedicated animal care team.

Before her untimely passing, Rani, known for her vibrant personality, resided at the St. Louis Zoo since July 2001, joining her mother, Ellie, who continues to reside at the zoo at 52.

Rani, pregnant in 2019, was renowned for her distinctive squealing noises, which her daughter Jade often mimicked.

Despite attempts to revive Rani, she succumbed to her condition, with an autopsy revealing preexisting heart issues.

Following her passing, the Elephant Care Team and other elephants were allowed to spend time with Rani, reminiscing on her playful nature and cherished presence within the elephant family group.

The circumstances surrounding the dog’s presence in the zoo remain unclear, but the animal was safely handed over to a shelter, as confirmed by zoo officials.

The St. Louis Zoo, recognizing the importance of managing the Asian elephant population, recently announced plans to relocate one of their elephants as part of the Asian Elephant Species Survival Plan.

Asian elephants, originating from countries like China, India, and Malaysia, are known for their remarkable size and gentle demeanor.

While they can live up to 70 years in the wild and 80 years in captivity, their existence is threatened, with an estimated 40,000-50,000 remaining worldwide, classified as endangered animals.

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