Descubriendo la belleza de las carreteras más impresionantes del mundo

Hay innumerables carreteras impresionantes y rutas escénicas en todo el mundo, cada una con su propio encanto y belleza únicos. Desde las sinuosas carreteras costeras de California hasta los espectaculares pasos de montaña de los Alpes suizos, estas carreteras no son solo un medio de transporte, sino también una aventura en sí mismas. En esta publicación, exploraremos algunas de las carreteras más hermosas del mundo, cada una de las cuales ofrece una vista diferente e impresionante del mundo que nos rodea. Así que abróchese el cinturón de seguridad y prepárese para un viaje a través de algunas de las carreteras más impresionantes del planeta.

Ruta estadounidense 163 (EE. UU.)

La autopista 163, que comienza en Arizona, tiene 103 kilómetros de largo. Atraviesa tierras navajo y termina en Monument Valley, Utah. América es generalmente famosa por su naturaleza inusual y pintoresca, pero difícilmente se pueden ver panoramas tan hermosos en ningún otro lugar: una combinación de desierto sin vida y majestuosos macizos rocosos. Se ven especialmente espectaculares al amanecer y al atardecer.

La US Route 163 también es conocida por ser parte del famoso Trail of the Ancients, una concentración de sitios históricos, arqueológicos, naturales y culturales en los Estados Unidos.

Ruta estadounidense 163  © Javen / Shutterstock

Ruta estadounidense 163  © Javen / Shutterstock

Carretera de la costa de Amalfi (Italia)

Amalfi es la costa más bella y popular de Italia. Comprende el pueblo del mismo nombre y otro pueblo no menos famoso llamado Politano. Hay muchos más asentamientos diminutos con casas coloridas esparcidas a su alrededor en medio de asombrosos paisajes naturales. La costa de Amalfi es literalmente impresionante para conducir, con la belleza de este sitio declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.

Carretera de la costa de Amalfi  © Pfeiffer / Shutterstock

Carretera de la costa de Amalfi  © Pfeiffer / Shutterstock

Gran Carretera Oceánica (Australia)

La mejor manera de experimentar la gran belleza natural de Australia es hacer un viaje a lo largo de Great Ocean Road. Es una excelente oportunidad para ver todas las atracciones más importantes de Queensland: la Gran Barrera de Coral, la Reserva de la Isla Hinchinbrook, la ciudad costera de 1770, las Cuevas de Capricornio, las magníficas playas de Proserpine y las majestuosas cascadas del Parque Nacional Wooroonooran. Estas y muchas otras maravillas llenarán un viaje por la ruta más pintoresca del continente. Comienza en la capital del estado, Brisbane, dura unos seis días y termina en la zona tropical de Cairns.

Gran Carretera Oceánica  © kavram / Shutterstock

Gran Carretera Oceánica  © JADE Zhang / Shutterstock

Carretera de la montaña Tianmen (China)

El teleférico más largo del mundo conduce a la cima de la famosa montaña Tianmen, pero es mucho más divertido conducir hasta esta atracción en China en automóvil. La gente viene aquí para ver las numerosas maravillas naturales y artificiales con sus propios ojos: el místico arco de la Puerta del Cielo, el magnífico templo budista de Tianshan, el camino de cristal al borde del abismo y la naturaleza prístina de la reserva.

El camino a la montaña Tianmen es considerado uno de los más bellos del mundo: el sinuoso camino serpenteante de aproximadamente 11 km consta de 99 curvas intrincadamente retorcidas, que abren impresionantes vistas del panorama de la montaña sagrada.

Carretera de la montaña Tianmen  © BlurSolutions / Shutterstock

Carretera de la montaña Tianmen  © Vizilla / Shutterstock

Milford Road (Nueva Zelanda)

La pintoresca Milford Road se considera merecidamente la carretera más hermosa de Nueva Zelanda. Se hizo particularmente popular después del lanzamiento de la trilogía El Señor de los Anillos, ya que muchas escenas de la película se filmaron a lo largo de esta ruta. También conduce al fiordo de Milford Sound, que fue nombrado la octava maravilla del mundo por el escritor Rudyard Kipling.

El sendero comienza en el pequeño pueblo de Te Anau y continúa a través de un paisaje accidentado y espectacular, a través de un túnel y un desfiladero, pasando por una selva tropical mágica cubierta de musgo y el lago Mirror. La ruta es bastante difícil, por lo que no puedes conducir rápido aquí, pero es lo mejor. De esta manera, puedes ver en detalle todas las maravillas naturales de esta increíble y hermosa región.

Milford Road  © MawardiBahar / Shutterstock

Autopista Seward (EE. UU.)

La Seward Highway, de 202 km de largo, conecta la ciudad de la costa del Pacífico del mismo nombre con Anchorage. Este hermoso camino es parte del Camino de Alaska. Corre a lo largo de Turnagain Bay, a través de la pintoresca península y las montañas Kenai y el bosque más septentrional de los Estados Unidos, la Reserva Chugach. Viajar a través del reino de las montañas y el permafrost es mejor desde mediados de mayo hasta septiembre, cuando las horas del día están en su apogeo y las temperaturas son lo suficientemente cómodas para el viaje.

arretera Seward  © Dan Thornberg / Shutterstock

Paso de Hai Van (Vietnam)

El hermoso camino a través del Paso Hải Vân ofrece increíbles vistas del mar azul, enmarcado por el verde exuberante de los bosques de montaña. Se clasifica regularmente como una de las rutas turísticas más interesantes del mundo. La longitud del camino es de solo 21 km, pero debe tener cuidado en el camino: la serpenteante montaña serpenteante es peligrosa, especialmente con mal tiempo. El paso de Hai Van serpentea a través de colinas empinadas, ofreciendo panoramas panorámicos de la costa de Da Nang y vistas de la impresionante Cordillera Annamite.

Paso Hai Van  © Romas_Photo / Shutterstock

Paso Hai Van  © Oskar Hellebaut / Shutterstock

La Carretera de los Yungas del Norte (Bolivia)

El camino que conecta La Paz, la ciudad más grande de Bolivia, con el centro del distrito de Coroico, a menudo se llama el Camino de la Muerte porque es un tramo de montaña muy peligroso, incluso sin pavimentar en algunos lugares. Sin vallas, vertiginosos precipicios y escarpados desniveles de 4.200 a 1.200 metros no impiden que los turistas admiren la magnífica selva tropical y las nubes que se ciernen sobre las cumbres y llenan las tierras bajas.

Otro camino es un sendero ancho y seguro que da la vuelta a la cordillera, pero que no destaca por nada especial. Esta ruta solo vale la pena tomarla durante la temporada de lluvias, de noviembre a marzo, cuando el Camino Yungas es un peligro serio.

El camino de North Yungas  © Andrew Clifforth / Shutterstock

El camino de los Yungas del Norte  © Brester Irina / Shutterstock

Combe Laval (Francia)

La hermosa carretera de montaña Combe Laval hace tiempo que dejó de ser una ruta comercial importante y se convirtió en una atracción turística. Sus pronunciadas curvas, subidas y bajadas ahora desafían a los ciclistas que deciden pedalear a través de la belleza de los Alpes franceses. Hay muchos tramos suaves en la ruta para que un paseo así no se convierta en un verdadero suplicio. El tramo más bonito y espectacular de la carretera se considera el recorrido entre los pueblos de Saint-Jean-en-Royans y Col de la Machine. Son casi 13 kilómetros de magnífica naturaleza con zonas verdes y rocosas habitadas por animales salvajes que no temen a los humanos.

Combe Laval  © RudiErnst / Shutterstock

Combe Laval  © RudiErnst / Shutterstock

Carretera Sossusvlei (Namibia)

La carretera de Sossusvlei suele empezar en el pueblo de Sesriem, donde se encuentran la mayoría de los campings y albergues de la región. El camino pavimentado tiene más de 60 km de largo y luego se convierte en un camino sin pavimentar (unos 5 km de arenas salvajes), donde solo puede pasar un vehículo 4×4.

Hay una gran cantidad de fotos publicadas con panoramas de montañas arenosas y limo amarillo agrietado de Namibia, pero debes ver todo con tus propios ojos para sentir el encanto del desierto de las vastas extensiones de Namibia. Y un viaje por Sossusvlei Road es la mejor manera de experimentar la naturaleza salvaje pero hermosa de este país africano.

Las vistas más interesantes y hermosas de la ruta son la famosa Duna 45, los colores inimaginablemente brillantes y las superficies increíblemente planas de Takyr Dry Pan Deadvlei, y Big Daddy, la segunda duna más famosa de Namibia, desde la cima de la cual puede disfrutar de fantásticas vistas de los alrededores.

Carretera Sossusvlei  © Gary Proctor / Shutterstock

Calle Aurelia (Italia)

La antigua Aurelia Road recorre la costa toscana, desde el centro de Italia hasta el sur de Francia. Fue construido hace más de dos mil años y ahora afirma con confianza ser el camino más hermoso de la península de los Apeninos. Si toma la ruta desde la bulliciosa Roma, puede visitar la soleada costa de Lazio, disfrutar de la belleza de la reserva de Cinque Terre, visitar la antigua Génova y pasear por las calles del musical Sanremo, visitar la hermosa ciudad de Noli y ver la antigua residencia de Federico Barbarroja, el Arles francés, al final de la ruta.

Calle Aurelia  © StevanZZ / Shutterstock

Tracto de Chuya (Rusia)

En 2014, la revista National Geographic incluyó a Chuya Tract entre las 10 carreteras más hermosas del mundo. Esto no es de extrañar porque pasa por la región más pintoresca de Rusia, Altai, permitiéndote ver toda la variedad y belleza sobrecogedora de sus espacios naturales.

El Tracto Chuya comienza en la ciudad de Biysk, atraviesa las estepas Chuisky y Kuraisky, pasa por los pasos de montaña Chike-Taman y Seminsky. La ruta finaliza en la frontera con Mongolia, en el Paso Durbet-Daba. La longitud de todo el recorrido es de 589 km.

Chuya Tract © Olga Gavrilova / Shutterstock

Chapman’s Peak Drive (South Africa)

The five-kilometer-long Chapman’s Peak Drive connects Cape Town’s southern Noordhoek neighborhood with the suburb of Hout Bay. It’s often closed due to rockslides and bad weather, but if you’re lucky enough to get Chapman’s Peak Drive open, you can’t miss the chance to admire the spectacular seaside scenery. Locals claim that nowhere else in the world are such beautiful views, so it makes sense to ride along the road by car or bike to see if that’s true.

Chapman’s Peak Drive © Ivan Notarstefano / Shutterstock

Chapman’s Peak Drive © Alex Marais / Shutterstock

Ruta 40 (Argentina)

Latin America’s longest road begins near Tierra del Fuego in southern Argentina, winds through Patagonia along its border with the Andes, and ends in the north, near Bolivia. The longest route (about 5,000 km) crosses 20 nature reserves, 18 major rivers, 23 mountain passes, and the maximum height of one of them is 5,000 meters.

There are no tow trucks and almost no mobile communication, and wind speed on the Patagonian territory sometimes reaches 200 km/hour, but all these inconveniences and dangers are fully compensated by the magnificence of the majestic mountain and desert landscapes. They are so beautiful that the Ruta 40 has become a national pride. Many Argentines consider it their duty to take this route at least once in their life, making sure to visit Los Glaciares National Park and the Perito Moreno Glacier.

Ruta 40 © Pedro Carrilho / Shutterstock

Blue Ridge Parkway (USA)

The Blue Ridge Parkway is often called America’s Favorite Road, and it is a worthy contender for the title of the most beautiful in the United States. No other highway in the country can boast similar popularity. The government even had to declare the Blue Ridge Parkway a conservation area. Now, certain rules apply along the whole length of the scenic drive, including two other national parks in the country.

The Blue Ridge Parkway is 755 miles long, and much of it runs along the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia and North Carolina. There are beautiful panoramic views from the highway, but you can stop at any time to admire the scenery from one of the numerous lookout points. There are also a number of waterfalls along the way, and they are considered the main attraction of the Blue Ridge Parkway. There is usually a dirt trail or a hiking trail that leads to them.

Blue Ridge Parkway © Jon Bilous / Shutterstock

Furka Pass (Switzerland)

The high-mountain highway Furka Pass goes through the Swiss Alps pass of the same name, connecting the towns of Ulriken and Realp. This beautiful road is part of the popular tour called Three passes. The length of the route is only 33 km. It is suitable not only for trips by car but also as a bicycle route in good weather. Even if you don’t have your own transport, you can ride the scenic Furka Pass by train. However, part of the way is through a railroad tunnel cut through the rocks, so the ride on the Furka Pass highway itself will be much more enjoyable. It will give you stunning views of the Rhone Glacier and a couple of stops for hiking trails against a backdrop of magnificent alpine scenery.

Furka Pass © Boris Stroujko / Shutterstock

Furka Pass © Boris Stroujko / Shutterstock

Ocean Drive (USA)

The famous Ocean Drive begins near South Beach in South Miami and runs north to 15th Street. A ride along Ocean Drive is worth it to see plenty of popular hotels, restaurants, and bars that have appeared many times in numerous movies and TV shows. For example, the Colony Hotel, the world’s most photographed Art Deco hotel featured in Dexter; the Sunray Apartments featured in Scarface; and the famous Caribbean restaurant Mango’s Tropical Café, known for live performances by dancers and singers.

Ocean Drive © Nejron Photo / Shutterstock

Ocean Drive © Mia2you / Shutterstock

Route 1 (Iceland)

For those who decide to travel in Iceland by car, Route 1 is definitely the best choice. The country’s main highway is 1,322 km long and is a circular road that connects all the country’s major population centers. It will take at least a week to see all the beauty and natural attractions along the way. It’s so beautiful that you can’t help but want to get off the road and walk around. The list of must-see stops includes the picturesque Snæfellsnes Peninsula, the Westfjords Region’s countryside, and the highlands’ rugged cliffs, only open to visitors in summer because of challenging weather conditions.

Route 1 © Shane WP Wongperk / Shutterstock

Road to Hana (Hawaii)

The road to Hana is the most popular and beautiful highway in Hawaii. It’s only 84 kilometers long, but it usually takes a day to get from Paia to its destination because of the slow traffic and many stops. The winding road offers more and more wonders at almost every turn — stunningly beautiful cliffs, the black beaches of Waiʻanapanapa, hanging waterfalls, and bright green valley hills literally make it necessary to stop and walk around taking pictures of the incredible nature of Maui.

Road to Hana © Mark1260423 / Shutterstock

Road to Hana © Nicole Glass Photography / Shutterstock

Mount Cook Road (New Zealand)

This beautiful road, also known as State Highway 80, is the most interesting coastal route in New Zealand. It runs along the shores of glacial Lake Pukaki, and it ends in Mount Cook National Park after 55 kilometers.

You want to stop and get out of the car literally from the first minutes of your journey as it is so beautiful here. But the best photos can be taken from the observation deck of Petra and at the foot of Mount Cook. These locations were used for filming many scenes in the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies.

Mount Cook Road © Avant Visual / Shutterstock

Transfagarasan Road (Romania)

The road, which got its name after the Fagaras mountain range through which it passes, is deservedly among the ten most interesting sights in Romania. The track was built relatively recently, about 50 years ago, but is very popular among travelers.

When traveling on the Transfagarasan highway, you can visit the mountain Bâlea Lake, from which there is a funicular line to the waterfall of the same name, the highest point of Romania, Moldoveanu Peak (2544 m), and admire the lake Vidraru, driving through the arch of the hydroelectric power plant.

The Transfagarasan highway is popular not only because of the beautiful scenery. Tourists use this scenic road to visit the Bran Castle, where Count Dracula once spent the night, and to admire the medieval architecture of Wallachia.

Transfagarasan Road © Mihai_Andritoiu / Shutterstock

Transfagarasan Road © Calin Stan / Shutterstock

Karakoram Highway (Pakistan — China)

The Karakoram Highway follows the ancient route of the Great Silk Road and is the highest international highway in the world. Almost 1,500 kilometers of asphalt road passes by the eternal ice of the highest mountains on the planet, along bottomless gorges and rushing mountain rivers. This route allowed everyone to travel in comfort through completely impassable terrain, admiring the amazing wild beauty of Pakistan and Western China.

Tourists are attracted not only by nature. It is unlikely anywhere else to encounter such a variety of ethnographic colors and meet so many historical monuments in one trip. The best time to go on a fascinating trip along the Karakoram Highway is from May to October, especially if you want to ride a motorcycle or bicycle along the route. The pass is closed the rest of the time due to difficult weather conditions.

Karakoram Highway © Aranya 22 / Shutterstock

Karakoram Highway © Lukas Bischoff Photograph / Shutterstock

A82 Road (Scotland)

As the second-largest road in Scotland, the A82 is part of the London-Carlisle-Glasgow-Inverness route, which is 269 km long. It attracts many tourists wishing to get a closer look at the classic panoramas of rural Scotland. The picturesque evergreen meadows, lakes, cliffs, literally drowning in dense fog, are the main attraction of this beautiful road.

A82 Road © richardjohnson / Shutterstock

Iroha Zaka (Japan)

In Japan, they say you can’t say the word “magnificent” until you’ve been to Nikko. And it’s true. Few things in the world can compare to the beauty of this national park, through which the Iroha Zaka road intricately winds like a serpent’s snake. Strictly speaking, it consists of two one-way parts. You can take one to the top of the forested Oku-Nikko Hill and the other to the bottom. Alternatively, you can take the cable car, but then you won’t be able to visit the observation deck, which offers a view of the most beautiful natural attraction of the reserve, a group of waterfalls.

Iroha Zaka ©

Highway 1 (USA)

The California Highway is part of the Pacific Coast Highway and runs along the state’s Pacific Coast, recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world. The road connects San Francisco with Los Angeles and is rich in all sorts of attractions. There are small but picturesque little towns along the 1,055 kilometers of the route, and there are amazing views of the city with lots of bays to explore. You can admire the beautiful ocean views from the car, but most of the high capes have observation points, where you can relax, have a bite to eat, and, at the same time, admire the surroundings.

It makes sense when planning a trip to the cape to try and plot a route on google maps in advance. If the program persistently suggests a detour, it means that the route is now closed due to heavy rains or a rock slide — something that happens regularly here.

Highway 1 © Frank Fell Media / Shutterstock

Highway 1 © Maks Ershov / Shutterstock

Great Alpine Road (France)

It is impossible to explore the beauty of the French Alps without a trip along the Route des Grandes Alpes. The grandiose tourist route is 720 kilometers long, crosses 17 passes, and reaches the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Snow-capped mountain tops drowning in clouds and lush green meadows with grazing sheep herds, glaciers, crystal clear lakes, the natural beauty of the Vanoise National Park, and the ancient architecture of numerous communal towns — all this awaits travelers who decide to see a beautiful Alpine fairytale.

Great Alpine Road © Creative Travel Projects / Shutterstock

Great Alpine Road © Andrew Mayovskyy / Shutterstock

Eagles Road (Norway)

The Eagles Road (Ørnevegen Trail) consists of nine serpentine roads with a total length of only 7.1 km. The short distance allows you to cover it on a bicycle, even on a slope of about 10°. The trail is located between the villages of Eidsdal and Geiranger. It was used as a test track for testing cars in difficult winter conditions, but now the Eagles Road is mostly used for tourism. An observation deck is located at the top of the climb, where you can admire the famous Seven Sisters Waterfall.

Eagles Road © evoPix.evolo / Shutterstock

Carretera De Sa Calobra (Spain)

The winding mountain serpentine of Carretera de Sa Calobra can definitely be considered the most beautiful road of Mallorca. The best time to come here is early in the morning, when there are not many buses and cars, to take pictures of the cliffs and the Torrent de Pareis Gorge. There are special platforms on the road, which offer magnificent views of the mountains. The whole trip takes about an hour and ends near the small but very beautiful beach of Formentor with black sand, stones, and emerald green water.

Carretera De Sa Calobra © Zoltan Duray / Shutterstock

Denali Highway (USA)

The Denali Highway is a gravel road, so it is open to cars from mid-May to October. The only vehicles on the road are snowmobiles and dog sleds in winter. When the weather is nice, you can take in views of the mountains and glaciers of Alaska’s Central Range.

The Denali Highway is used primarily by hunters, fishers, and birdwatchers as it offers ideal conditions for birdwatching due to the alpine terrain, which is rare in the region.

Throughout the Denali Highway, there are campsites and campgrounds where campers can stay for recreation and hikes in the untouched wilderness of Alaska.

Denali Highway © Galyna Andrushko / Shutterstock

The Ring Of Kerry (Ireland)

The Ring of Kerry is one of Ireland’s most popular hiking trails. It runs through the Iveragh Peninsula and includes some of the most beautiful and interesting attractions in the region. These feature Killarney National Park and lakes, the picturesque Black Valley, Ross Castle, and Muckross House Museum, as well as many historic churches and monasteries.

The total length of The Ring Of Kerry is 166 km. Many people prefer to travel on this beautiful road by car, but there are also hiking and biking trails, and in the summer, you can go on a bus tour.

The Ring Of Kerry © essevu / Shutterstock

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