Miraculous Rescue: Mother and Baby Elephants Pulled from Perilous Drainage Hole in Thailand

In a riveting rescue mission in central Nakhon Nayok province, Thailand, a team of veterinarians and park staff successfully saved a mother and her calf from a precarious situation.

Amidst heavy rainfall, a one-year-old elephant accidentally fell into a roadside drainage hole, triggering a distressing sequence of events.

Watch the video at the end.

The vigilant mother attempted to guard her calf but, unfortunately, also tumbled into the hole after being sedated.

The rescue operation unfolded in challenging conditions, with rain pouring down on the rescuers as they worked tirelessly to extricate the trapped elephants.

Rescuers carefully lifted the mother from the hole using a truck-mounted boom lift. Simultaneously, they administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to revive the unconscious mother.

A digger was deployed to clear away the earth, allowing the anxious calf to climb out of the slippery mud.

In an awe-inspiring turn of events, the calf, once freed, began nursing from its revived mother. The reunited duo was safely released back into the wild, marking the successful culmination of a rescue operation over three hours.

Dr. Chananya Kanchanasarak, a veterinarian with the Khao Yai National Park Department, shared insights into the challenges faced during the rescue, stating, “Attempting to approach the baby while the mother was nearby difficulties posed, so we administered three doses of tranquilizers.

Regrettably, she advanced toward her baby before regaining consciousness and incurred a head injury.”

This heartwarming rescue showcases the dedication and skill of the rescue team, ensuring the safety and well-being of these magnificent creatures amidst challenging circumstances.

Read more Elephant News.

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