Compassionate Collaboration: KWS Rangers and DSWT Join Forces to Save Distressed Elephant

In a compassionate joint effort between the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) rangers and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT), a distressed elephant exhibiting severe lameness received critical treatment in the Mpala and Ol Jogi Conservancies.

This collaborative operation, involving precise tracking and helicopter use, successfully immobilized the elephant for a thorough examination and treatment.

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The initial report of the distressed elephant came from scouts on patrol at the boundary of Mpala and Ol Jogi Conservancies on October 31, 2016.

Despite early attempts to track and treat the elephant proving unsuccessful, a breakthrough occurred on November 12, 2016, when KWS rangers on patrol in Ol Jogi Conservancy reported its location.

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The DSWT played a pivotal role by providing a helicopter for the immobilization and treatment.

Captivon® 20mg was administered through a 3cc Dan-Inject dart to the dorsal lumbar muscles.

Within 5 minutes, the anesthesia took effect, allowing for a detailed examination of the distressed elephant.

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The examination revealed a puncture wound, approximately 1 centimeter in diameter, penetrating the carpal joint.

Further investigation with forceps indicated a wound depth exceeding 15 centimeters, consistent with a gunshot injury, despite the absence of an exit point.

The veterinary team promptly cleaned the wound, removed necrotic tissue using Hydrogen peroxide, and applied a topical antiseptic.

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To alleviate pain and prevent infection, the elephant received a dose of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

However, the prognosis for this case remains guarded due to the involvement of the joint.

The veterinary team recommends close monitoring to assess the elephant’s response to treatment, acknowledging the challenges posed by such injuries.

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The successful collaboration between KWS and DSWT in treating the severely lame elephant underscores the significance of joint conservation efforts.

As the majestic animal undergoes recovery, continued monitoring, and care are essential to ensure its well-being in the face of challenges posed by a gunshot injury to the carpal joint.

Read more Elephant News.

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