Adorable Baby Elephants Gleefully Slide Down Muddy Hill in Thailand

In a heartwarming moment, a group of playful baby elephants was captured sliding down a muddy slope in northern Thailand’s Elephant Freedom Village.

The young elephants used their front legs to gain speed, sliding on their stomachs and delighting onlookers.

The village’s elephant keeper, Non, recorded the endearing scene on September 15, stating, “This is the cutest rollercoaster I have ever seen.” Non-expressed happiness at seeing the elephants enjoying their time outdoors.

Watch the video at the end.

Playful elephants decided to slide down a muddy hill instead of walking at the Elephant Freedom Village in the Chiang Mai province of northern Thailand. Source: Daily Mail

Elephant Freedom Village, a non-profit organization, aims to rescue elephants and provide them with a better life.

The elephants under their care spend 90% of their time in the forests, returning to sheltered paddocks at night for fresh food and safety. The organization aims to produce elephants in their natural forest habitat.

With around 2,000 elephants living in the wild and a similar number in captivity, Thailand is working to improve the lives of these incredible creatures.

Adorable video footage, taken by elephant keeper Non on September 15, shows the fun-loving animals speeding down the muddy slope on their back legs. Source: Daily Mail
The lazy elephants use their front legs to gain speed and let their back legs fall to the floor, happily sliding down the forest hill on their stomachs. Source: Daily Mail

Watch the video below:

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