Unexpected Visitor: Elephant’s Surprise Appearance Delights Safari Tourist

Garth Kew, an amateur photographer on a safari at the Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa, experienced an extraordinary encounter when an unexpected visitor, an elephant, made its way to his doorstep.

The incident unfolded as Kew glanced out of his window, only to be met with the curious gaze of the majestic creature.

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Quick to seize the moment, holidaymakers armed themselves with cameras and stepped outside to capture the rare sight.

Despite the initial shock of having a wild elephant so close to their accommodation, Kew managed to snap some incredible photos safely from inside his room.

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Madikwe Game Reserve, renowned for being a ‘Big 5’ reserve, allows animals like lions, elephants, buffalo, leopards, and rhinos to roam freely.

Positioned on the riverbank, the lodge attracts wildlife seeking water, and Kew even mentioned hearing about elephants enjoying a drink from the outdoor showers of the holiday home.

Revealing the non-threatening nature of the encounter, Kew ventured outside to photograph the elephant basking in the sunlight.

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He noted, “The elephant wasn’t lured or encouraged—I don’t know how that could have been done.

It was simply ambling down to have a drink.” The elephant, displaying no signs of posing a threat, seemed to be casually exploring the camp.

Having successfully captured enchanting shots, Kew observed the elephant gracefully amble away, disappearing back into the bush.

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The entire experience left the safari enthusiast in awe, highlighting the unpredictable and captivating nature of encounters with African wildlife.

Read more Elephant News.

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