A Touching Reunion: Blind Elephant Rescued From Circus Finds Sanctuary Among New Herd

Experience the heartwarming moment as a rescued elephant, completely blind, is embraced by a new herd at a sanctuary in Thailand.

Meet Ploy Thong, a 30-year-old elephant saved from a life in the circus and transported to the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai.

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This sanctuary marks the beginning of her new chapter as she encounters her new herd for the first time.

Ploy Thong endured a sorrowful life before her rescue by the dedicated volunteers of the Save Elephant Foundation.

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For over 16 years, she carried people on her back through the streets of Thailand after her time in the circus.

However, a transformative journey awaited her upon reaching the Elephant Nature Park.

Chiang Mai, the sanctuary, immediately signaled the herd about Ploy Thong’s presence, emitting low vibrations.

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The herd wasted no time in eagerly rushing to welcome their new member, creating a highly emotional scene.

With both of her eyes blind, Ploy Thong, who previously carried tourists daily, had endured the routine of being saddled early each day and taking riders until sunset, using her trunk to navigate. However, a new chapter in her life had begun—a journey to freedom.

The enthusiastic rush of the herd to welcome her vividly illustrates the sensitivity of these remarkable creatures.

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From her initial moments at the sanctuary, Chiang Mai clarified that Ploy Thong would be cherished and safeguarded for the remainder of her life.

Elephants, known for their intelligence, strong family bonds, and intricate social structures, possess an exceptional memory, remembering individuals and places for years.

They exist within a dynamic fission-fusion society, where relationships extend from the mother-offspring bond to families, bond groups, clans, independent males, and even strangers.

Read more Elephant News.

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