Barnoti’s Resilient Journey: From Orphaned to Thriving

Barnoti, a young elephant who faced adversity from an early age, recently overcame significant challenges on his journey to survival.

The tale begins in April 2019 when Amboseli Trust for Elephants (ATE) joyously announced the birth of Barnoti to the BC family in Amboseli.

Watch the video at the end.

Born to the well-known female Bouenza, this was a celebration for the closely bonded, female-only elephant family.

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Tragedy struck in November 2020 when Bouenza, a leading elephant, passed away from natural causes, leaving behind her 19-month-old calf, Barnoti. In ordinary circumstances, a calf this young would struggle to survive independently.

However, the unexpected abundance of rainfall provided Barnoti with sufficient vegetation, and his two older sisters played a crucial role in caring for him during this challenging period.

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As 2021 unfolded, a turn of events tested Barnoti’s resilience. The anticipated rainfall never materialized, resulting in a severe shortage of food.

This threatened the survival of young animals like Barnoti, who required proper nutrition for growth. By October 19, 2021, the Amboseli warden found Barnoti in critical condition, prompting an urgent rescue mission.

Amboseli Trust for Elephants swiftly organized a rescue mission in collaboration with SWT/KWS Amboseli Mobile Vet Unit.

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The ATE team and the vet unit ensured Barnoti’s safety as they captured and transported him to Nairobi.

Despite the challenges of handling a two-and-a-half-year-old elephant, the team successfully brought him to the Nursery, marking the end of his challenging journey.

Survival during drought proved to be a precarious situation for Barnoti, but his adaptability was remarkable.

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Welcomed by other young elephants at the Nursery, Barnoti quickly integrated into the group despite his weakened state.

The rescue mission not only saved his life but also allowed him to form new bonds in the Nursery herd.

Facing the harsh reality of losing his mother and being abandoned by his older sisters, Barnoti’s resilience shines through.

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Now part of the Nursery herd, he looks up to Mukkoka, an impressive bull, and is building connections with Taabu, another new member.

Despite his challenging start, Barnoti’s journey is a testament to the strength of his spirit and the unwavering support of the dedicated team that rescued him.

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Read more Elephant News.

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