Unexpected Bonds: Baby Elephant and Ostrich Form Unbreakable Friendship at Wildlife Sanctuary

When the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) rescued a stranded baby elephant named Jotto, little did they know that a heartwarming friendship was about to blossom, transcending the boundaries of species.

Jotto, separated from his herd after tumbling into a well at just one-month-old, underwent a successful rescue mission and found refuge at a Kenyan elephant orphanage to recover before returning to the wild.

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During his stay at the orphanage, Jotto forged an inseparable bond with an unexpected companion – an ostrich named Pea.

While rescuing another baby elephant, the unique friendship unfolded when the compassionate staff discovered Pea and her ostrich brother, Pod, also needed help.

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Both ostriches were brought back to the shelter, creating an extraordinary connection between different species.

While Pod reintegrated into the wild, Pea remained at the shelter, finding a sense of belonging alongside the elephants.

Considering herself an essential part of their community, Pea has formed a deep connection with the elephant herd.

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Since Jotto and Pea met, their friendship has been evident, as they consistently snuggle and express affection for each other.

Pea, the caring ostrich, played a compassionate role in Jotto’s healing process. The DSWT staff observed the young elephant’s palpable delight each time he embraced these comforting moments with his feathered companion.

In a recent update, DSWT shared, “Without a doubt, orphaned ostrich Pea sees herself as an integral part of the elephant herd, and young Jotto is more than content to share cuddles with his feathered companion.

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These heartwarming moments unfold at the Nairobi Nursery, where not only these two orphans but many others are provided with the chance to heal and, in due time, reintegrate into the wild.”

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Read more Elephant News.

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